Some exciting updates are coming to the Acellus Writing Tutor!
Acellus is leveraging AI to develop the next generation of Writing Tutor with an advanced writing feedback system. These updates will improve grading accuracy and provide personalized feedback to help students develop strong writing skills.
The updated system has been released so that we can begin gaining feedback from students’ writing submissions. Please help us keep an eye on it and let us know of any problems or suggestions you would like to see implemented in the new writing system. We appreciate your support!
I love the platform updates, especially the increased level of engagement for the scholar. I’m looking forward to seeing this in practice. Thank you for hearing and acting upon parent and scholar feedback.
Yay! Can’t wait for my boys to try it! We stopped using the old program and I was marking their work as it could be full of errors and they’d still get a great mark or it would be great but missing a “key word” and they’d do poorly.
Can you make the writing tutor available outside of the classroom. It could be available in the Activities page all the time. This way students can practice their writing and receive feedback without it being part of a class.
Great idea, Dorothy! We will submit your suggestion to our development team.
Hello! I am a high school student and I love that the Writing Tutor has been updated. However, I have two ideas for how to improve it a little more. One, as a writer, I love to write as much as I can given the prompt, especially for the creative writing, like in literature and history. However, the Writing Tutor only allows a limit of 1,000 words, which I sometimes feel isn’t enough for some assignments. I feel that some writers/authors alike will agree that it can sometimes be hard when you are so passionate about writing to narrow it down to a certain limit. I would enjoy it if that limit were raised a little bit, perhaps. My second idea is that the “research” tab in the Writing Tutor should have more information, almost like a “Wikipedia” for Acellus. I have noticed the Science Journal which is set up like that, however, if there was one that was more useful for students in high school, with free searching (like the AI on the “Write A Book” activity, but a bit more advanced and up-to-date, as it is only providing information from 2022 back) available on the Writing Tutor program that would be relevant and easy when needing to do research for certain essays. Finally, I would like to recommend a full high-school writing course, where all assignments are writing assignments, covering the fundamentals and nuances of writing, from the different types of essays such as persuasive, informative, argumentative, creative, etc., and advancing further into the course, to better equip Acellus students for the challenges of collegiate writing.
That sounds awesome! I love to write, as well, and I think that those updates to the writing tutor, along with some actual writing courses, would be beneficial to us as students. Also, you are right, it is hard to find information on Acellus, as the library doesn’t work (and I and other students, as well, use the GoldBook Pro), and the AI is stuck in ’22, so an updated AI would be great. I’ve also noticed that there are some things that it is not accurate, about, as well.
That would be great! Thank you.
I also love this idea.
I would love the option to print the final draft essays the student completes in grammar and composition classes.
I agree! This is an amazing idea. As a student who is also concurrently taking classes at the local college to obtain an associate’s degree, it would be amazing to have access to the Writing Tutor all of the time so I can have an external source to help analyze my papers and whatnot.
It’s great to see Acellus leveraging the latest tech and machine learning to help students learn more effectively. I can’t wait to have my son try the new version of the writing tutor.
Just what was needed! Can’t wait to try it out! Any idea when it will be launching?
Hi Carley! The new and improved writing system is live. Please be sure to give us feedback if your student encounters any issues.
Just updated and why were the special lessons removed? If they weren’t then where were they moved to. Did not see them in the updated acellus video
Where did the special lessons go?!
A couple years ago, the writing assignments were moved out of the special lessons. They are now embedded directly into the online lessons at the ideal point within the course.
I love the updated look. As far as writing assignments, my son is having problems accessing the writing platform to write his assignments. He is at a standstill in most classes until this is resolved. We have both looked all over the app and we’re unable to find a submission/writing box. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Michele. We are sorry to hear you are experiencing technical issues. Our parent support team can assist with troubleshooting and open a support ticket if needed. You can reach our team by phone at (866) 684-6127.
Hi, I love the new technique but I as a Acellus highschool student would love if they put in the write a book activity things to write about almost like they did in the special lessons I feel like then it would be more fun and feel I’m mastering my goals better than before. Thank you so much.
The writing tutor is nice but it could use some of the updates that fellow student, Ryan suggested. I am in the 9th grade and I think having the AI on my writing tutor would be very helpful. I am using power home school right now.
I like your name and I aggree with you guys! 😀🇺🇸
What is the difference between Acellus homeschool and Power Academy? Are there certain features only available for Acellus compared to Power Academy?