About a year ago, we launched a new tool for parents called the High School Education Plan. Even before enrolling, we recommend that parents use this tool to create a plan of study that identifies each course to be taken on a student’s journey toward graduating from Acellus Academy.
We recently released many new features and improvements to the Education Plan tool. Most of the enhancements are focused around making it easier to create a plan of study for high school. We streamlined the process for importing credits from other high schools and improved the interface for choosing courses to satisfy each credit requirement.
As part of this update, we have re-grouped a few of the credit requirements for graduation. For some subject areas, such as social studies, students would end up with more than the required number of credits in order to take all the required courses.
We have moved personal finance into the social studies category and combined the categories for P.E. and health. You can view these updates at the following link: https://www.acellusacademy.com/graduation-requirements/
These changes will not affect any students who planned their high school courses based on the previous subject area requirements. All of the same courses used to fulfill the graduation requirements prior to this update will still qualify the student for graduation. We reorganized the requirements so that it is easier to follow and understand.
If you haven’t created an Education Plan yet, we encourage you to take full advantage of this resource. We hope it is helpful to you and welcome your feedback.
where can i find the writing assignments?
i need help getting my courses shown on my page.
before, I started attending on 7 grade , but now i am willing to start over at the 6 grade level cause is been a while. I’m a returning student, pls help
The fastest support, please contact us here: http://www.acellusacademy.com/contact-us/
How can I add psychology subjet to my daughter education plan?
How to find and watch Dr. Lectures and when?
Thank you
If scholar can’t make it to Missouri for graduation ceremony, will a diploma be mailed out instead?
Students who graduate from Acellus Academy will receive their official high school diploma in the mail.
My daughter is in the 10th grade. How far does she have to get to in order to pass to the 11th grade? Or how many credits to pass to the 11th grade? And do they have a summer break or no?
What final years of high school does collages look at?
Hi DeNita – Yes, as long as your student passes their courses, they’ll earn high school credit, which will be recorded on their Acellus Academy transcript. For more information on graduation requirements, feel free to check out the following link. Online High School Graduation Requirements